Chinese Dates Jujube Fruit Superfood

Chinese dates, also called jujube fruit, have tremendous preventative health benefits. Dr. Zhang Yifang, author and Radiant Shenti advisor, recently summarized these benefits, and you can read her wisdom below. Reading time: 4 minutes Benefits of Chinese dates Have you heard of Chinese red dates (红枣)? Although not as well-known in the West, Chinese redContinue reading “Chinese Dates Jujube Fruit Superfood”

Mastering Your Emotions and Your Body Type

Mastering your emotions and your reaction to the environment is affected by your body type. When you are out of balance with your body type, your emotions can feel unstable and the environment can be hard for you to handle. Reading time: 3 minutes Mastering your emotions If your body type quiz result showed thatContinue reading “Mastering Your Emotions and Your Body Type”

Anxiety Acupuncture Points and Other Remedies

Using TCM for anxiety allows you to beat anxiety naturally. You can heal both your body and mind to feel calmer and happier using Traditional Chinese Medicine. Reading time: 8 minutes After reading this article, you will feel empowered to overcome anxiety and fear. You will learn about: the causes and effects of fear andContinue reading “Anxiety Acupuncture Points and Other Remedies”

Qi Gong Exercises to Boost Your Energy

Qi gong exercises will help you prevent injury, improve circulation, and keep your muscles relaxed and invigorated. These simple stretches will also help you enhance your overall health, elevate your mood, and strengthen your immune system. Reading time: 6 minutes How quick qi gong exercises work You probably already know that sitting for hours, whetherContinue reading “Qi Gong Exercises to Boost Your Energy”

Millet Porridge with Citrus and Ginger

Millet Porridge of This Citrus Ginger recipe warms your body from the inside out. It is perfect for you if you have a phlegm damp constitution because it helps break up stagnation in the body. The story behind this phlegm damp recipe I would be a very happy person if I got to eat citrusContinue reading “Millet Porridge with Citrus and Ginger”

Shiitake Mushrooms, Green Beans, and Quinoa

In this shiitake mushrooms, green beans, and quinoa recipe, earthy mushrooms complement the sweet, crisp green beans and quinoa. People with a yang deficiency, or cold constitution will feel warmed from the inside out. The story behind this shiitake mushroom recipe Shiitake mushrooms are the only vegetables that some carnivores understand—you just can’t tell themContinue reading “Shiitake Mushrooms, Green Beans, and Quinoa”

Amethyst Healing Properties Chinese Medicine

Amethyst healing properties, according to Chinese medicine, treat a wide range of emotional and physical conditions. Whether your struggle with depression, trauma, varicose veins, or seasonal transitions, amethyst is a powerful stone for healing. With a little help, you can use these ancient healing secrets with ease. Reading time: 4 Minutes  Amethyst background Amethyst isContinue reading “Amethyst Healing Properties Chinese Medicine”

Rose Quartz Gua Sha Healing Properties

Rose quartz gua sha stones are a powerful tool for physical and emotional healing. If you can only choose one stone, rose quartz is the one, because of its numerous healing properties. While the soft pink color looks soft and inviting, the stone is strong. These traits mirror the emotional energy rose quartz brings toContinue reading “Rose Quartz Gua Sha Healing Properties”

Chinese Medicine Eyes – Tips for Healthy Vision

According to Chinese medicine eyes theory, healthy vision comes from a healthy liver. Your emotions, the foods you eat, and lifestyle choices you make all impact liver health, and therefore your vision. In this article, you will learn natural remedies to improve your eyesight and overall eye health. Reading time: 6 minutes Chinese medicine eyesContinue reading “Chinese Medicine Eyes – Tips for Healthy Vision”

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