A Good Night’s Sleep Using Traditional Chinese Medicine

Every once in a while, we all have trouble sleeping. In Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) ideas about problems sleeping differ radically from western medicine concepts. TCM helps look at your whole body system to establish the root causes of sleep problems that may affect your or your children. In fact, using TCM strategies to helpContinue reading “A Good Night’s Sleep Using Traditional Chinese Medicine”

What Color Foods to Eat to Help you Sleep

You can’t fall asleep. You find yourself waking in the middle of the night, tossing and turning. The bathroom calls your name long before it’s time to wake up for the day, and you cannot fall back to sleep. Vivid dreams disturb your sleep or wake you and leave you feeling anxious. All of theseContinue reading “What Color Foods to Eat to Help you Sleep”

Fall Health Tips Using Chinese Medicine

Advice from ancient Chinese scholars, and their insights about the effects of Fall on the human body, can help you stay healthy, or fight illness faster! Billions of people in China follow their advice to this day, and now you can learn their secrets for health! Using this advice can help you prevent sinus problems,Continue reading “Fall Health Tips Using Chinese Medicine”

Best Foods to Prevent a Cold and Cough

Some of the best cold and cough fighting foods for Fall come to us from Chinese medicine. Read more to learn about what foods you should eat to stay healthy during this transitional season! Eating the right foods can help you prevent sinus problems, runny noses, a sore throat, coughing, and digestion troubles. They canContinue reading “Best Foods to Prevent a Cold and Cough”

Five Elements Theory

Five elements theory developed over thousands of years through observation and trial and error. More like scientists in the field, Chinese doctors worked with people in their actual settings not in labs. They recorded their findings which had to stand up under the equivalent of peer-review to make sure recommendations worked over time. Numerous volumesContinue reading “Five Elements Theory”

Water Element Personality

Water element personality types reflect the nature of water. Water needs to have free time and space to flow. We can’t rush Water or expect it to follow the status quo. Water has its own reality, a mysterious and intriguing perspective that gets in the way of, say, taking out the trash. Procrastinating by watchingContinue reading “Water Element Personality”

Winter Foods to Keep You Healthy

Winter foods can keep you healthy, energized, and warm all winter. Chinese medicine has wonderful health and wellness tips for Winter. According to the Su Wen, “Winter is a cold storage season. Qi gathers in the core of the body. Do not disturb it… Warm up the body, store energy to rejuvenate and preserve life.Continue reading “Winter Foods to Keep You Healthy”

Why Babies & Children Get Sick

In Chinese medicine pediatrics, children are not seen a miniature-adults. Their bodies are physically and functionally immature, according to Chinese medicine, and need special care and treatment. Their digestive systems, including their bowels, are seen as delicate and not yet complete. Many ancient Chinese texts remind us of this fact over and over and cautionContinue reading “Why Babies & Children Get Sick”

Solid Food for Your Infant or Toddler

According to Chinese medicine, before digestion can take place in the stomach, EVERYTHING must be warm and soft like a soup – ideally 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Adults can warm cold and raw foods by chewing and producing more digestive fluids. Infants and toddlers don’t have the same ability. Therefore, once your start introducing foods aroundContinue reading “Solid Food for Your Infant or Toddler”

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